Rising operating costs, shrinking insurance reimbursements, and growing competition are placing extraordinary pressure on primary care providers today.
synAllergy can help.
synAllergy offers primary care providers the ability to achieve better patient outcomes and a stronger financial future by helping them deliver with great ease, efficiency, and safety skin allergy testing and immunotherapy services.
Why allergy testing and immunotherapy services?
1. Primary care practices consist of a large number of existing patients with environmental allergies
Allergic rhinitis affects 20% of adults and 40% children in the U.S.
2. Skin allergy testing is highly sensitive, provides immediate results, and can be performed expeditiously by an MA, LPN, or RN
3. Allergy immunotherapy is significantly underutilized despite the wealth of clinical data demonstrating it’s long term disease modifying benefit, the ability to reduce the development of asthma in children with allergic rhinitis, and health cost savings.