Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the start-up costs?
The start-up cost for the Turnkey Model varies based on test panel and type of training selected but typically runs around $9,500. The bulk of this expense is for the purchase of your initial inventory of skin allergy testing extracts, testing supplies, provisioning extracts, and provisioning supplies. synAllergy does not profit from your purchase of this starting inventory of supplies but assists you in purchasing the supplies needed direct from the manufacturer at a discounted price.
Q2. How are synAllergy’s fees structured?
synAllergy’s service fees are based on a fixed fee per skin prick test performed and for each formulary ordered for provisioning the serum.
Q3. Is there someone who I can call if I have questions?
Yes. synAllergy offers access to a team of healthcare professionals with many years of clinical allergy experience including a board certified MD with extensive experience providing allergy services in a general practice setting.
Q4. What should I do if a reimbursement request is denied by the insurance company?
While infrequent this is typically a result of coding or over utilization and synAllergy can walk you through the details so you can resubmit.
Q5. How much physical space do I need to delivery skin allergy testing and immunotherapy services through synAllergy?
You can use your existing clinic space to deliver skin allergy testing and immunotherapy services. No additional space is needed. A standard refrigerator can be used for storing supplies and serums.
Q6. How soon after I sign an agreement can I get started?
Your practice can be up and running with skin allergy testing in as little as two weeks after signing a service agreement.
Q7. How long is the training?
Training varies based on the needs of the practice and can consist of remote, on-site or a combination of the two. Typically, we break the training into two separate training sessions. The first part of the training, which lasts a half day, is focused on how to perform skin allergy tests and immunotherapy. The second session focuses on teaching you and your staff the mixing of provisions for immunotherapy and can last up to half a day.
Q8. How much time does it take to perform a skin allergy test?
A skin allergy test takes about 20-25 minutes to complete. The test can be performed by an MA, LPN, or RN. The vast majority of time (15 minutes) consists of the patient waiting.
Q9. How does synAllergy support its customers once my clinic is up and running with allergy testing and immunotherapy services?
synAllergy will provide ongoing support of your delivery of skin allergy testing and immunotherapy services. Our staff is always available to assist you when needed. We will also provide, at no cost to you, a number of resources such as patient education brochures and exam room posters to help support your program.
Q10. How much extra work does this place on my nursing staff?
Through our turnkey processes, synAllergy will enable you to deliver skin allergy testing and immunotherapy services with great ease, efficiency, and safety. Total hands-on staff time to administer a skin allergy test is typically less than 10 minutes. The “value to time ratio” for allergy services is far greater than any other services delivered in your clinic. As an example, the revenue from a MA, LPN, or RN administered skin allergy test alone is equivalent to the combined revenue of over 10 “Level 1” office visits.
Q11. Will I need to test a specified number of patients per month through the agreement?
No, there is no minimum number of patients tested or treated with immunotherapy requirement in our service agreement.
Q12. What’s the extent to which payers reimburse primary care providers for performing skin allergy tests and for preparing provisions for immunotherapy?
Reimbursement for allergy services will vary by insurance provider and patient type (ie, Medicaid, etc.). But generally speaking, skin allergy testing and immunotherapy is covered by the vast majority of your patients’ health care plans.
Q13. What is the break even point for the Turnkey service model?
The break-even point for most practices for the Turnkey Model is achieved after skin testing about 20 patients and prescribing immunotherapy and preparing provisions for about 10 patients testing positive.